signs is a way that we can discover the God of Life through group discussion.
signs guides us to trace and accept the stimulation of the Holy Spirit in us and around us. Just as a windmill is turned by the wind and converts it into energy, so too we examine what lives in our own hearts and in the world around us as signs of the times. En these events we discover the voice of God. This gives us strength and energy to give God an answer in our lives.
Seeking signs is a way of meditating for
- Small groups: After an introductory prayer a group member can follow step by step the below mentioned points and so lead the group through this meditation dynamic. Common experiences that touch everyone offer themselves for further comment.
- Panels or committees in the church and community: At the beginning of a meeting the group looks for common threads within their daily lives. The common elements that are found as true can indicate impulses from God and stimulate further action.
- Married couples: can use these steps at the conclusion of a day for reflection on the ways God is active in their lives.
- Individuals: can follow this method of Seeking Signs in an adapted form for their personal enrichment.
Signs has originated in groups and circles of the Schoenstatt Movement. It is based on the conviction that we can discover everywhere traces of God: who lives in our own inner being, in meetings with other people, in creation, in happenings of smaller and greater importance, in known facts and technology.
Introductory prayer
God we ask you to help us become aware of your presence in our midst. Send us your Holy Spirit to help us see, hear and guide our thoughts.
1 Remembering
What has especially agitated, impressed, touched me in the past days? Let these experiences come alive again in your heart.
2 Telling:
What would I like to tell the others? I share what is important to me. I pay attention to what the others tell.
3 Discovering:
What especially strikes me with these memories? Where can I begin to surmise in what I have heard of God’s signs in our lives; his closeness, his beauty, his guidance, his wishes, his instigations, and his incomprehensibleness?
4 Answering:
Where do I feel urged to thank, question, object, ask or give? Where do I feel I need to change something or myself? Quietly I think what I would like to do.
Prayer of thanksgiving:
God we thank you for the gift of your closeness.
We ask you for the strength to do what is to be done and for patience concerning what we do not understand. With Mary we pray: “ My soul praises the greatness of the Lord and my Spirit rejoices over God my Saviour.“.
Seeking signs is a possibility of discovering the ‚God of Life‘.
We explain what moves us, inner impulses, experiences, happenings.
We seek to interpret them in faith as a call of God.
We place ourselves then in the faith tradition of the bible, which testifies, that God’s Spirit truly accompanies us and stands behind everything and is effective.
They spoke with each other about all that had happened. While they spoke and shared their thoughts, Jesus joined them. He asked them: „What sort of things, are you talking about to each other as you go on your way?“
(from Luke 24,13-35)